About Us and The Gambia
We’re an international team, working and serving together in The Gambia. Our desire is to share God's love in word and deed with the people of The Gambia.
Gambia welcomes short-term mission. It is best to stay at least six months, however, one to two years is more rewarding. So the longer you come, the better!
The information on this website will provide you with a glimpse of the diverse range and wonderful work that the God has enabled us to develop over the last 53 years!
WEC handed over the running of the Sibanor clinic to Evangelical Church of the Gambia in 2017. WEC continues to support the ECG church particularly in helping to recruit ex-patriate clinical staff (doctors, nurses, laboratory and pharmacy staff).
This movie was shown at the celebrations for WEC's 50th anniversary of their work in Gambia.
The Gambia
The Gambia is a country in West Africa that is entirely surrounded by Senegal except for its coastline on the Atlantic Ocean at its western end. It is the smallest country on mainland Africa. The Gambia is a very small and narrow country whose borders mirror the meandering Gambia River. The Gambia is less than 50 km wide at its widest point. It is the smallest country on the African mainland. Banjul is the Gambian capital and the largest cities are Serekunda and Brikama.
Gambia has a tropical climate. A hot and rainy season normally lasts from June until November, but from then until May, cooler temperatures predominate.The Gambia has a market-based economy characterised by traditional subsistence agriculture. There is also a significant tourism industry. A variety of ethnic groups live in the Gambia, each preserving its own language and traditions. The Mandinka ethnicity is the largest, followed by the Fula, Wolof, Jola, Karoninka, Serahule, Serers, Manjago, Bambara, Aku Marabou and others.

The cuisine of the Gambia includes peanuts, rice, fish, meat, onions, tomatoes, cassava, chili peppers and oysters from the River Gambia that are harvested by women.There are 30 people groups in the Gambia and 16 are unreached groups. The Gambia has a population of just over 2 million. 84% of the Gambian peoples have little or no access to the hope of the gospel. The largest religion is Islam at 84.4%. 4.8% profess to be Christian and of those 0.7% are evangelical.